Wednesday, May 6, 2020

1900-1910 Essay - 1184 Words

1900-1910 At the beginning of the 20th century a New York editorialist wrote that the 20th century began in the United States with a sense of euphoria and self-satisfaction, a sure feeling that America is the envy of the world(World History Timeline 1900-1901). The president was Teddy Roosevelt, who enjoyed enormous popularity due to the general happiness of the American people. A thriving industry created many jobs for immigrants and others. A monumental event took place in 1901 when the New York Stock Exchange exceeded 2 million shares for the first time ever (World History Timeline 1900-1901). The tycoon J.P. Morgan created the U.S. Steel Co. in 1901, which became the first billion-dollar corporation in the world (Historical†¦show more content†¦In 1900 there was the Boxer Rebellion in which anti-foreigner Boxers occupied Beijing. International force eventually ended the violent siege (Historical Daily Almanac 1900). Another major world event during the decade was the Russo-Japanes e War. The two countries battled over the control of Manchuria and Korea, and the Russians were forced to surrender (Historical Daily Almanac 1905). Also around the globe, in the field of psychology, the great Sigmund Freud wrote a book called The Interpretation of Dreams (Magill 14). This book documented Freud’s theory that dreams are meaningful and can be understood. Another great mind of that era was Albert Einstein. He came up with his theory of relativity in 1905(Magill 19). Great artists of the world were also creating some of their most brilliant work during this decade. Henri Matisse fought to find the artistic freedom he needed by creating the Fauvist movement in the early 1900’s(Pioch 2). Fauvism led to the larger movement called Expressionism, a term used to describe any art that raises subjective feelings above objective observations (Pioch 4). Georges Rouault was another pioneer of the Expressionist movement; he was a Frenchman who linked the decorative effects of Fauvism in France with the symbolic color of German Expressionism (Pioch 6). Another leading artist of the time period was Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, a German who wanted his art to be a bridge to the future (Pioch 6). These men were very important artists, butShow MoreRelatedThe Decade of New Ideas and Inventions Essay634 Words   |  3 PagesIn the 1900s was a time of new inventions to help. The United States of America did not have a reliable way to travel by car. In 1903 Henry Fo rd was the person to solve the problem for the United States of America (â€Å"Ford Motor Company† 1). On June 16, 1903 Henry Ford founded the Ford Motor Company (â€Å"Ford Motor Company† 1). The Ford Motor Company was based out of Detroit, Michigan (â€Å"Ford Motor Company† 1). The company was located in an old wagon factory (â€Å"Ford Motor Company† 1). 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